We welcome contributions that will be of interest to our readership and comply with these guidelines.
You can write about lots of things really – opinions, hobbies, achievements, funny events and experiences or just ideas whirling around in your head. They can be about yourself or someone you know, so long as you have their consent. There are however some rules we apply in selecting contributions that you should be aware of. We prefer items about local people or of particular local interest. Generally, we won’t publish material that is:
- Potentially offensive or unduly embarrassing to individuals or groups
- Written about others who have not consented or would not reasonably expect it to be published
- Political and other comment better placed in the commercial media
- In poor taste
Articles can be submitted in hard copy, even handwritten so long as they are legible. We do however, much prefer electronic form as it saves us a lot of time. They can be contained within or attached to an email. Use the button below to submit online.
We don’t have hard and fast rules about size, but the bigger it is the less is the likelihood we will find space for it. (We may run really interesting articles over two issues.)
Photos are very welcome as they can add interest to an article. They can be prints for us to scan but we cannot accept responsibility for their undamaged return. (You may be able to bring valuable prints into the Community Centre and have them scanned while you wait.) Better still, supply them electronically in a common format (jpeg for eg.) in a reasonably high resolution. (What looks good on your computer screen may look abysmal in print.) And make sure there is good contrast as we publish in black and white only.
To submit an article, please include it in, or attach it to an email to news@meredithnews.com.au .
We publish on the first Thursday of every month, except January, and we need copy by 9.00am on the Thursday of the prior week.